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100+ events

Jasmin Tabatabai

Sie ist eine der großen deutschen Fernseh- und Kinostars. Ihr Gesangsdebut gab sie als Rockröhre im Blockbuster »Bandits«. Für »Eine Frau«, ihre erste CD als Jazz- und Chansonsängerin, wurde Tabatabai mit einem Echo-Jazz ausgezeichnet. Vielfalt ist das... moreabout: Jasmin Tabatabai

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live in concert
Wednesday, 30/October/2024 20:00
Kleist Forum - Frankfurt (Oder)
Platz der Einheit 1, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

Reflexe & Reflexionen

One Hour Ethnological Museum.

Überblicksführung: Hamburger Bahnhof

Hands on!

Making seed balls or upcycling packaging waste into seed trays: every Saturday and Sunday, visitors to the "Re:Generation" exhibition in the forum at the tea kitchen at the Chinese House can take part in small experiments or practical activities. Admission... moreabout: Hands on!

Sunday, 02/June/2024 15:00 (42 more dates)
Park Sanssouci - Chinesisches Haus
Am Grünen Gitter, 14469 Potsdam

What makes us tick?

Urban life is associated with confinement, hectic, anonymity and stress. Life in the countryside seems to be the opposite: Idyllic, community and tranquillity, but also long distances and hard work. Our environment shapes our mental health, as well as... moreabout: What makes us tick?

Thursday, 20/June/2024 19:00
Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Franz Wanner. Mind the Memory Gap

Curator: Kathrin Becker In his first solo exhibition in Berlin, Franz Wanner (* 1975 in Bad Tölz) investigates the present-day repercussions of the widespread exploitation of forced labour under National Socialism. Using photographs, texts, films and... moreabout: Franz Wanner. Mind the Memory Gap

Back and Force

This year, on April 12th, the Self-Determination Act was passed by the German Bundestag. It was a long-fought and hard-won milestone for trans, intersex and non-binary people in Germany, and yet it was only a partial success. Shortly before it passed,... moreabout: Back and Force

Friday, 21/June/2024 19:45
Maxim Gorki Theater: Gorki Kiosk
Dorotheenstraße 3, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Sekundenglück. Eine Kampfsportperformance

In this play, five top wrestlers explore their own extreme sports biographies. “Sekundenglück. Eine Kampfsportperformance” is an evening about the strength of will, vulnerability and happiness of five young people in high-performance sport. Real training,... moreabout: Sekundenglück. Eine Kampfsportperformance

Friday, 07/June/2024 20:00
Haus der Berliner Festspiele - Seitenbühne
Schaperstraße 24, 10719 Berlin-Wilmersdorf

Living with oceans, but how?

The sustainable use of the seas, coasts and oceans is a major challenge that concerns us all. A visible sign of this is the plastic waste that washes up on our beaches or oily seabirds after a tanker accident. How do we want to live with the oceans?... moreabout: Living with oceans, but how?

Friday, 28/June/2024 14:00 (2 more dates)
Alexanderufer 2, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Pallavi Paul

With How Love Moves, the Gropius Bau presents the first major institutional solo exhibition of Pallavi Paul. As an artist and film scholar, Paul engages the camera as her primary tool to interrogate how regimes of “truth” are produced and sustained in... moreabout: Pallavi Paul


Die Dreigroschenoper ist eine Theatersensation! Seit ihrer Uraufführung 1928 ranken sich die Legenden um die Oper, die ganz Berlin ins Dreigroschenfieber versetzte und Bertolt Brecht und Kurt Weill einen Welthit bescherte. Gemeinsam mit dem Gefangenenensemble... moreabout: DIE DREIGROSCHENOPER

Wednesday, 12/June/2024 17:30 (11 more dates)
Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel
Seidelstraße 39, 13507 Berlin-Reinickendorf

Resilience and Remembrance

In addition to the stage programme of “Patterns for Life”, works by the artists Heba Y. Amin, Maeve Brennan and Mey Seifan / Tanween company & slowfuture will be on display. In their works, the artists reflect diverse perspectives on political and social... moreabout: Resilience and Remembrance

Sunday, 23/June/2024 19:00 (5 more dates)
HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU1
Stresemannstraße 29 A, 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg

The Allure of Rome

in 1532, the Dutch artist Maarten van Heemskerck embarked on a journey from Haarlem to Rome. A unique collection of over 170 drawings from his five-year stay in the Eternal City has been preserved in the Museum of Prints and Drawings. In addition to panoramas... moreabout: The Allure of Rome

Institut für Widerstand im Postfordismus / Elisa Müller und Anna-Lena Werner On(going) Trauma - Künstlerische Erzählweisen individueller und kollektiver Wunden

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