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Fighting 4 Fear

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Fighting 4 Fear

Rhythm, counters, screams, sweat and kicks – is there also room for fear in martial arts training, which is generally associated with aggression and fearlessness? Based on research into the relationship between female fear and patriarchal dominance culture, the multimedia performance Fighting 4 Fear explores martial arts as a means of transforming fear into strength. Is it possible to reclaim a historically male-dominated space as a woman and tell a story free from the binary concept of gender?

Together with 16-year-old martial artists Aylin Telli and Paulina Karam, artists Milena Bühring and Klara Kirsch set out on a quest in collaboration with dramaturge Enrico Bordieri. Between gym, TikTok, academic feminism and the reality of life for migrant teenage girls, the team struggles to find a way of dealing with fear that can withstand the ambivalence between fantasy and real threat. Will it come to a fight?


Between performance, theater and video, artists Klara Kirsch and Milena Bühring have been working as a duo and in changing constellations since 2020. For »Fighting 4 Fear«, they are collaborating for the second time with dramaturge Enrico Bordieri.

Artists/Collaborators: Enrico Bordieri (Dramaturgie), Klara Kirsch, Milena Bühring, Enrico Bordieri (Regie), Milena Bühring, Paulina Karam, Klara Kirsch, Aylin Telli (Performer*innen), Louis Caspar Schmitt (Bühne, Kostüm)

A production by Milena Bühring & Klara Kirsch in cooperation with Ballhaus Ost, co-produced by Tatwerk Berlin. Supported by the Einstiegsförderung of the Berlin Senate.

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