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Der Damenflügel von Schloss Sanssouci

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The Ladies' Wing of Sanssouci Palace

Special guided tour with Frederike Jefferies and Andreas Woche, palace staff, SPSG

Damenflügel Schloss Sanssouci, Grünes Zimmer – Damenflügel Schloss Sanssouci, Grünes Zimmer © SPSG / Wolfgang Pfauder

Damenflügel Schloss Sanssouci, Grünes Zimmer – Damenflügel Schloss Sanssouci, Grünes Zimmer © SPSG / Wolfgang Pfauder

With the accession of King Frederick William IV in June 1840, Sanssouci Palace became the summer residence of a Prussian ruler for the second time in its history. After furnishing the royal living quarters, the king had the side wings of the palace extended. From then on, the western wing housed the apartments of royal guests and the ladies-in-waiting of Queen Elisabeth of Prussia. In addition to the original sequence of rooms, the ladies' wing today also contains exhibits from the royal period of use of the palace in the 19th century. The special opening offers guests the exclusive opportunity to explore the Ladies' Wing for the first time after eight years of closure as part of special guided tours.

Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Entrance ladies wing of Sanssouci Palace

Price: €12.00

Reduced price: €10.00

Booking: Bookable from April 2023

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