Current language: English


This workshop will explore the dynamic interplay between “contemporary dance” and the so-called “other” as traditional and folk dances. Drawing from the rich tapestry of underrepresented dance practices and rituals that have been practiced in the Iranian highlands since pre-Islamic times, such as Sama سما, Hatan هتن, Afar آفر and Ghare Pire Zhan ژن پیره قره. We will explore how these dances can inspire new dance perspectives, aesthetics, dance techniques and unique movement languages. Participants will learn key movement phrases and experiment with different choreographic approaches. They also delve into the uneven and complex rhythms and accents typical of the region, with the aim of understanding, counting and considering them choreographically. They will also be dealing with the historical and political background of this dance practice.

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This workshop will explore the dynamic interplay between “contemporary dance” and the so-called “other” as traditional and folk dances. Drawing from the rich tapestry of underrepresented dance practices and rituals that have been practiced in the Iranian highlands since pre-Islamic times, such as Sama سما, Hatan هتن, Afar آفر and Ghare Pire Zhan ژن پیره قره. We will explore how these dances can inspire new dance perspectives, aesthetics, dance techniques and unique movement languages. Participants will learn key movement phrases and experiment with different choreographic approaches. They also delve into the uneven and complex rhythms and accents typical of the region, with the aim of understanding, counting and considering them choreographically. They will also be dealing with the historical and political background of this dance practice.

Zusätzliche Informationen: Einlass: 09:30 Uhr

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Hinweise zu Ermäßigungen: Tickets für Schwerbehinderte und Begleitpersonen sind nur über die Veranstalter buchbar. -

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