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The 12 Tenors

Live 2023

The 12 Tenors are back with 22 world hits, new songs and proven classics. The show dispels all tired clichés about opera and vocal music and makes it one the most exciting contemporary genres.

  • The 12 Tenors

    The 12 Tenors

  • The 12 Tenors

    The 12 Tenors

In recent years, The 12 Tenors have gained an excellent reputation, especially in China, Japan and Germany. Coming together from different nations, they know only one goal: to infect their audience. To infect them with their intoxicating passion for music.

From serious classical arias like "Nessun Dorma", to pop anthems like "Music", to a newly arranged and choreographed Michael Jackson medley: never has music from a single voice range been so diverse. Because tenors can do even more. They can dance spectacularly, present charmingly and switch unerringly between styles ... and they look stunning to boot. A treat for the eyes and ears. The 12 Tenors combine the tastes of several generations through their distinctive classical yet modern sound. If there is one boy band that unites young and old, it is The 12 Tenors.

The 12 Tenors inspire not only visually and musically, but above all through their intoxicating energy on stage. Accompanied by an international live band, the exceptional singers with their powerful voices prove that no genre is safe from them and no audience can resist their charm. The elaborately staged light show puts another exclamation mark behind a production that is unique in this form!

Of course, The 12 Tenors remain true to their tradition of reinterpreting popular native songs of the host country and bringing them to the stage. In doing so, they bow to their great audience.

Runtime: Fri, 14/06/2024 to Sat, 22/03/2025

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Next date:
mit Treibsand and friends
Friday, 28/June/2024 19:00
Burg Storkow (Freilichtbühne)
Schloßstraße 6, 15859 Storkow (Mark)
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Krummenseestraße 1, 15345 Altlandsberg
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