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601.5: Coronavirus incidence falls further


In Berlin, the incidence for the evaluation of the Coronavirus pandemic has further decreased.

In the past seven days, 601.5 new infections per 100,000 people were reported. This is according to data published by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Thursday morning (April 14, 2022). A week earlier, the incidence had been at 767, and on Wednesday it was at 606.2.

One more death reported

According to the RKI, 4587 new infections were reported within one day. Since the beginning of the pandemic about two years ago, 959,755 infections have been detected in Berlin. Another person died in relation with the virus - the number of deaths now stands at 4422.

Berlin has lowest incidence in state comparison

In a comparison of the German states, Berlin continues to have the lowest incidence, followed by Brandenburg. The figures given in the Coronavirus situation report of the Berlin Senate differ slightly from the RKI data. Here, an incidence of 601.4 was reported on Thursday.

Author: dpa/
Further information: Coronavirus Information
Publication date: 14 April 2022
Last updated: 14 April 2022

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