Current language: English

Over 95 percent: Majority of students still in face-to-face classes

Eine Lehrerin mit FFP2-Maske unterrichtet in einer ersten Klasse

After the suspension of mandatory attendance at Berlin schools, only just under five percent of students do not take part in face-to-face classes.

4,69 percent of student absent fron in-classroom teaching

These statistics were announced by the Senate Department for Education on Monday (February 14, 2022). According to a survey from the previous week, a total of 96.73 percent of students at public general education schools took part in face-to-face classes. At vocational schools, slightly more students took advantage of the suspension of attendance requirements, with 92.63 percent participating in face-to-face classes. Overall, the participation rate in all schools is at 95.31 percent.

Suspension of mandatory attendance until February 28

Berlin's Senator for Education Astrid-Sabine Busse was pleased with the figures: "It is good that the vast majority of students continue to take part in face-to-face classes. There is no substitute for the direct personal relationship with the teacher and classmates offered by in-classroom learning." The suspension of compulsory attendance should no longer be maintained as a matter of urgency, she said.

Author: BerlinOnline/
Publication date: 15 February 2022
Last updated: 15 February 2022

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