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New Coronavirus rules in force


In light of the Omicron wave, the Senate has passed some new Coronavirus regulations, which have been in effect since Saturday (Feb. 05, 2022).

Attendance documentation no longer required in many areas

Attendance documentation when visiting a restaurant or bar is no longer mandatory. This also applies to hotels and sporting events. Visitors and guests are therefore no longer required to leave their data. The omission of documentation is due to the focus on vulnerable groups when it comes to contact tracing. Accordingly, the contract with the Luca app, which ends in March, was not extended.

Adaptation to federal regulation: convalescent status valid for 3 months

The convalescent status is now only valid for three months after the positive test result, not for six months as before. This was recommended by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and implemented by the federal government in mid-January. Berlin has adapted its state ordinance accordingly.

Rapid tests replace PCR tests in numerous cases

A positive rapid test result no longer needs to be verified with a PCR test. And anyone who wants to end isolation or quarantine earlier after a Corona infection or as a contact person can do so with a certified rapid test.

More exceptions to the testing requirement for "2G plus test"

In the case of services close to the body, such as visits to the hairdresser or beauty salon, things will be a little more complicated than before. As before, only vaccinated and recovered persons (2G) will have access, and they must either wear a mask or present a test. Which of these applies, the salon decides. If it prescribes a test instead of a mask, then - and this is new - boostered and comparable cases, i.e. newly vaccinated or newly recovered persons, will be exempt from this testing obligation in future. This means that it will only apply to customers whose basic immunization dates back more than three months.

There is also a change in the access rules for restaurants: As before, "2G plus test" applies there. However, persons who have received a booster are exempt from the testing requirement for an unlimited period of time, as are those who have been vaccinated (twice) and those who have recently recovered for three months.

Stricter regulations for large events

For large outdoor events with a maximum of 3,000 people, the "2G plus test" regulation now applies, as it did previously for indoor events. Here, too, the following applies: persons who have received a booster as well as newly vaccinated and newly recovered persons do not have to present a test.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 5 February 2022
Last updated: 7 February 2022

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