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Berlin implements new quarantine rules


According to the new regulations, quarantine can be terminated after seven days by means of testing.

In Berlin, simpler Coronavirus quarantine rules have been in effect since Friday.

Unified regulation from Friday

This was announced by the Senate Department for Health on Friday (January 14, 2022). Thus, Berlin implements the new regulation which had already previously been approved by the federal and state governments. The Bundesrat had confirmed the new regulation on Friday morning. The Berlin health administration has discussed the new rules and coordinated with the health offices of the districts - individual districts had already implemented them before. Berlin's Senator for Health, Ulrike Gote (Green Party), had announced in front of the state parliament on Thursday that a uniform regulation should come on Friday.

No quarantine for thrice vaccinated contact persons

The new regulation eliminates the quarantine for all contact persons who already received their booster shot, i.e. persons with full vaccination protection and a third so-called "booster" vaccination. This also applies to newly vaccinated and recovered persons whose recovery from a Covid-19 infection or whose full vaccination occurred less than three months ago. All others must remain in quarantine or isolation for ten days. A shortening of the quarantine is possible after seven days with a negative rapid test or PCR test. School students and daycare children can be released from quarantine as contact persons after only five days.

Publication date: 20 September 2024
Last updated: 14 January 2022

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