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Fiscal administration: Tax revenues in Berlin to remain stable

Berlins Finanzsenator Stefan Evers

Finance Senator Stefan Evers speaks at a press conference after the Berlin Senate meeting.

Berlin expects stable tax revenues for this and the following two years.

This was announced by the tax authorities on Friday with reference to the regionalised results of the current tax estimate. According to this, about 28 billion euros are expected for this year, about 29.3 billion for 2024 and about 30.7 billion for 2025.

Slightly positive impulses in economic development

Compared to the tax estimate of October 2022, this results in a plus of 46 million euros for the current year, 76 million euros for 2024 and a minus of 37 million euros for 2025. The trend in Berlin is thus more positive than nationwide. According to the tax authorities, the main reason for this is that the major relief packages of 2022 have already been included in the past tax estimate for the state of Berlin. At the same time, there have been slight positive impulses in the economic development in Berlin, which, according to the tax authorities, are also significant.

"There is thus no additional financial room for manoeuvre"

"The result of the current tax estimate offers both light and shade. On a positive note, the economic momentum in Berlin has so far remained unbroken and the labour market in the capital is stable," said Finance Senator Stefan Evers (CDU). "So the relief measures have paid off." At the same time, however, these measures put pressure on the result. "There is thus no additional financial room for manoeuvre," warned the CDU politician. Added to this is the fragile global economic situation. Inflation is high, the imponderables in energy prices, in the geopolitical situation and on the financial markets are great. "All the more reason to be disciplined and prioritise in view of the budget discussions: Maintain discipline and set priorities.

Federal government's spring forecast expects real GDP growth of 0.4 per cent

The tax estimate was based on the federal government's spring forecast, which was published on Thursday. According to this, real growth in gross domestic product (GDP) of 0.4 per cent is expected this year and 1.6 per cent in 2024.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 12 May 2023
Last updated: 12 May 2023

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