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New classification of schools for more educational equity

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The approximately 770 general education schools in Berlin are to be typified according to new criteria developed by scientists.

On the basis of the categorisation, positions for language support and other resources are to be distributed to the schools in a fairer and more needs-based manner and disadvantages are to be reduced as a result. The goal is more educational justice and more equal opportunities in the education system, said Senator for Education Astrid-Sabine Busse (SPD) on Thursday at the presentation of the so-called school classification.

Evaluation on the basis of six characteristics

For the evaluation of each individual school, six characteristics are to be applied, as Busse explained: respectively the number of pupils from households receiving transfer payments, the number of pupils with special educational needs, with a mother tongue other than German and the number of those repeating a grade; in addition, the school's social space and its staffing.

New school typing allows differentiated classification

Based on these criteria, the school is classified into a level: The range is from level 1 (low structural burden) to 7 (very high structural burden). Schools with higher levels are to receive more support than schools with lower levels. The new system allows for a truly differentiated assessment of each school, Busse said. Nevertheless, the rating says nothing about the quality of the respective school, she added.

Classification was previously based on two factors

Until now, the classification of Berlin's schools was mainly based on two factors: the proportion of pupils with a non-German language of origin and the proportion from families with little money who do not have to pay for learning materials. However, according to the education administration, this approach is now considered outdated.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 11 August 2022
Last updated: 11 August 2022

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