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Samurai Museum Berlin

  • Samurai Art Museum (1)

    A life-size mounted archer (l-r), a mounted longsword bearer and a mounted lance bearer can be seen in the Samurai Museum Berlin.

  • Samurai Museum Berlin
  • Samurai Art Museum (2)

    View of a Hishitoji armour (l) and an armour of the Wakisaki clan in the Samurai Museum Berlin.

The Samurai Museum's collection displays armour, swords and other pieces of samurai art from the 8th to 19th centuries.

A mysterious fascination emanates from the legendary warriors of Japan. The Samurai Museum uses selected exhibits from the Janssen Collection to show the level of craftsmanship that went hand in hand with the well-known martial aspect of the samurai. Helmets, masks, armour and accessories were by no means reduced to their function alone. Rather, the pieces are precisely crafted works of art.

Multimedia Exhibition

Visitors can be guided interactively through the exhibition by the fox Kitsune. Multimedia installations bring the era of the samurai back to life and invite visitors to playfully explore thousands of years of history. For example, guests can catch a yokai, watch nō and taiko performances or immerse themselves in the world of Japanese swordsmithing.

Information, Address and Opening Hours

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Auguststraße 68
10117 Berlin
+49 (030) 629 756 35
Opening Hours
Daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Admission Fee
Variable prices. From €9, reduced from €6

Public transportation

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Last edited: 13 January 2025