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Jordan Wolfson

The solo exhibition in the Schinkel Pavillon shows works by New York artist Jordan Wolfson. His creations deal with inner impulses such as desire, optimism, violence and guilt.

Whether with films, animations, installations, sculptures or photographs, Jordan Wolfson directs the focus to inner conflicts of the body and makes them visible with his art. Wolfson's animations blur reality and virtuality. His cartoons alienate human behaviour and at the same time draw attention to them. Issues such as aggressiveness and brutality become frighteningly real and call on the viewer to form an opinion.

Works at the Wolfson exhibition

Wolfson's video work "Riverboat Song" consists of edited clips and sounds. The focus of the psychodrama is a childlike comic figure caught between happiness and perversion. The work is shown on 16 screens. The work "Real Violence" is presented for the first time in Germany and aims to make physical violence virtually tangible.

Schinkel Pavillon on the map

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Oberwallstraße 1
10117 Berlin
Opening Hours
10 February - 01 April 2018
Thursday - Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
Admission Fee
4 Euro, reduced 3 Euro

Public transportation

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Last edited: 15 June 2018