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Terraristikbörse Berlin

Grüner Leguan

At the Terraristikbörse (Terraristics Exchange) Berlin, reptile lovers can purchase lizards, snakes and spiders and gain information about the species-appropriate keeping of the animals.

The Terraristikbörse Berlin is the largest reptile exchange in Berlin-Brandenburg. Since 2002, reptile lovers from Berlin and the surrounding area meet to view and purchase animals.

Reptiles, Pet Food and Specialized Literature

Exhibitors from all over Germany offer a wide variety of lizards, snakes, spiders, insects such as iguanas, chameleons, tarantulas, scorpions, praying mantises, adders and pythons. Visitors can also purchase terrariums, terrarium accessories and decorations, pet food and specialized literature on terraristics. The fair is open to newbies and interested people as well as long-time and experienced keepers of reptiles.

Important Information on Caring for Reptiles

Newcomers to the Terraristikbörse Berlin are advised in detail about the optimal keeping of the animals and receive all kinds of information about reptiles. The event takes place in close coordination with the official veterinarian and the species protection authority, who control the compliance with the exchange regulations and check the species-appropriate keeping of the animals.

At a Glance

Trade Fair
Terraristics and Reptile Exchange
Tegeler Seeterrassen
April 6, 2025
Admission Fee
€8, Children up to 11 years free

Tegeler Seeterrassen

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Wilkestraße 1
13507 Berlin

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Last edited: 11 February 2025