© dpa
Warning strike at the BVG on Monday
Passengers travelling on Berlin's public transport system will once again have to prepare for considerable restrictions on Monday. more
© dpa
The majority of passengers on Berlin's buses and trains comply with the mask requirement.
This is the joint assessment of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) and the S-Bahn Berlin. BVG cite a mask rate of around 70 per cent. "Compliance with the mask requirement will continue to be monitored by our security service," BVG spokesman Jannes Schwentu told dpa.
This happens as part of the regular patrols. "Since this summer, several teams have also been on the road every day for special mask checks. In addition, there have been daily focus checks at intersections for a few months now." The additional checks had recently led to an increasing number of fines.
The S-Bahn has a similar opinion: "The vast majority of passengers on our buses and trains are currently complying with the legal requirements regarding the obligation to wear a mask," said a spokeswoman. The obligation to wear an FFP2 mask is pointed out with regularly repeated announcements. "The enforcement of the legal requirements in a close and proven cooperation between Deutsche Bahn, police and regulatory authorities."
The Berlin Senate is considering tightening up the obligation to wear masks. Health Senator Ulrike Gote has pleaded for an extension to indoor areas such as museums and shops. The senate will discuss the issue again on Tuesday and probably come to a decision. Details are still unclear.