© dpa
Strike at BVG: significant restrictions on local transport
Passengers of the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) will have to prepare for considerable restrictions in Berlin's public transportation system next Monday. more
© dpa
As in previous years, there are three pyrotechnics ban zones at the turn of the year this year. There will also be a weapons and knife ban zone in Tiergarten.
Only sparklers, firecrackers and table fireworks, i.e. category F1 pyrotechnic articles, are permitted in the prohibited zones.
The prohibited areas are again located at Alexanderplatz, in the Steinmetzkiez area in Schöneberg and on part of Sonnenallee and neighbouring side streets. The ban applies from New Year's Eve at 6 pm until New Year's Day at 6 am. Firecrackers and pyrotechnics are prohibited by the organisers within the event area of the New Year's Eve celebrations at the Brandenburg Gate.
A weapons and knives ban zone will also be set up around the event site at the Brandenburg Gate and Straße des 17. Juni from 31 December, 6 pm to 1 January, 6 am. This includes the Tiergarten park as well as parts of the Hansaviertel and the government district. No weapons or knives, including kitchen knives, may be carried in this area.