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New Berlin police law passed by Interior Committee

Bodycam bei der Polizei

Interior politicians have cleared the way for a new police law in Berlin.

On Monday, the Interior Committee of the Berlin House of Representatives passed the draft bill on the Security and Public Order Act (Sicherheits- und Ordnungsgesetz / ASOG). The amendment still has to be passed by the plenary of the House of Representatives. According to the Berlin coalition of CDU and SPD, this should still happen this year. The coalition had agreed on an amendment to the police law and recently improved the draft.

Adjustments to the use of bodycams, tasers and preventive custody

In future, Berlin police officers are to be allowed to film certain operations with bodycams if there is a risk of escalation. Stun guns, which have so far only been tested, will also be able to be used by the police to a greater extent. The maximum duration of preventive detention is to be extended from two to five days.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 28 November 2023
Last updated: 28 November 2023

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