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Fight against the Asian tiger mosquito: New contact point for citizens

Asiatische Tigermücke

Because of the threat of the tiger mosquito spreading in Berlin, citizens can in future turn to a contact point at the Mitte district office.

According to a statement by the Senate Health Administration, the public health officer of Berlin-Mitte, Lukas Murajda, said on Wednesday that people can report suspected bites by tiger mosquitoes or after being caught. This also applies if one notices an accumulation of mosquitoes, especially during the day. "We will then closely observe and compare the cases and, if necessary, get an on-site picture in consultation with the affected district and the Lageso."

Narrow time window to combat the tiger mosquito

Last week, an expert from the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) had sounded the alarm and called for decisive action in Berlin. "There is only a narrow time window for the elimination of the known tiger mosquito populations in Berlin," epidemiologist Daniel Sagebiel told the "Tagesspiegel". According to him, within the next few years the mosquitoes could have spread to such an extent that dangerous infections with tropical diseases would be imminent. According to Lageso information from last week, the mosquitoes have so far been found in Treptow-Köpenick and Neukölln.

Joint approach of involved actors

On Wednesday, it was announced that the Berlin health authorities, the Lageso and the Senate Department for Science, Health and Care had now agreed on a joint approach. A future working group is also to coordinate further measures. According to the information, those affected can reach the responsible public health officer at the email address Up to now, the Berliners had been given advice - for example, to avoid possible breeding grounds for the black-and-white tiger mosquitoes in the garden.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 17 August 2023
Last updated: 17 August 2023

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