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Senate rejects bill for a car-free city centre

Verkehr in Berlin

Numerous cars drive along Kaiserdamm towards the city centre.

The Berlin Senate rejects the draft law submitted by the citizens' initiative "Volksentscheid Berlin autofrei" (Referendum Berlin Car-Free).

According to their ideas, almost all streets within the S-Bahn ring should become car-reduced areas. The senate shares the basic goals of the petition to reduce car traffic, said transport senator Bettina Jarasch (Greens) after the senate meeting on Tuesday. However, she recommended that the House of Representatives not adopt the bill. Jarasch pleaded for the entire city to be taken into account in the transformation of the traffic system.

Bill to be submitted to the State Constitutional Court

Last week, the interior administration had already expressed legal concerns about the draft law. In their opinion, it violates the Basic Law because it involves disproportionate interference with the general freedom of action. The interior administration will submit the bill to the state constitutional court, Jarasch said. Until there is a result, the petition for a referendum will not go to the next stage.

House of Representatives must discuss legislative project

In addition, the House of Representatives must still deliberate on the legislative project. If the MPs reject the initiative's concern altogether or do not adopt the essential contents for a corresponding law, the initiative can insist on carrying out the referendum. It would then have to collect about 175,000 signatures to get a vote on its request.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 17 May 2022
Last updated: 17 May 2022

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