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Explosive ordnance clearance in Tegeler Stadtheide begins

Tegeler Stadtheide

The state of Berlin has begun the clearing of explosive ordnance from the Tegeler Stadtheide area near the former Tegel Airport.

Area will be developed into nature and landscape reserve with recreational use

"It is expected that by the end of March the first of five sections of the total area of about 375 acres will be cleared of explosive ordnance from World War II on the basis of an intensive soil sounding," the state-owned company Grün Berlin announced on Monday (Jan. 25, 2022). In the coming years, the area is to be developed into a nature and landscape reserve with recreational use. The areas are located on the Tegel Airport site north and west of the former runway.

Clearance work until January 2026

According to Grün Berlin, the clearing work is planned on the entire area of the landscape until 2026. "In order to protect the animals and plants living in the area as best as possible, an engineering firm specialized in species and nature conservation commissioned by Grün Berlin is monitoring the entire operation."

Construction work for residential area at former airport starts this year

Not affected by the work are the areas of the future so-called Schumacher Quarter and the Urban Tech Republic in the former airport buildings. Civil engineering work for the new residential quarter is to begin as early as this year. Preparatory measures, including the clearance of possible explosive ordnance, were already started last year.

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Author: dpa/
Publication date: 25 January 2022
Last updated: 25 January 2022

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