Current language: English

What is your current situation (business lifecycle)?

The Point of Single Contact Berlin covers the entire business lifecycle. It provides answers to questions, such as: “What formalities need to be completed in a certain business situation” and above all: “Can these formalities be handled online, and if so, how?”

Therefore, please select the phase in which you currently find yourself below!

Two young people are unpacking boxes in their new office: there is a laptop on the table..

Starting a business

Are you just starting a business in Berlin? With us, you can handle all the formalities involved in setting up a business or becoming self-employed: register your business or trade online or apply for a permit (e.g. to work as a real estate agent) More information

Several people in front of a management board. One person writes on the board with a pen.

Managing an existing business

Do you already have a company, but something is changing or you need a special permit? You can register your business online or apply for exemption permits (e.g. for shop opening on Sundays and public holidays). More information

Sign with the inscription

Closing down a business

Are you closing down your business or leaving Berlin? Simply deregister your business online, delete your entry from directories or registers or terminate your membership. More information

Man in suit with laptop floating in the air.

Performing foreign services temporarily in Berlin

Register online if you are already self-employed in another Member State of the European Union (EU), another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and wish to offer your services temporarily in Berlin. More information

Several people of different cultural backgrounds side by side.

Working in Berlin with a foreign qualification

Have you completed your vocational training abroad and would now like to work in Berlin? Then have your qualifications recognised online! More information

A magnifying glass in the center of the picture, in the visor under the glass a light bulb. in the background several question marks.

I do not know

You can't assign your request to any of the previous categories? Then take a look at our A-Z list with all services around the company! More information