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Incidence in Berlin skyrockets: well above 300


After the Christmas holidays and the turn of the year, the incidence of Coronavirus in Berlin rose significantly.

Source: dpa/
Further information: Coronavirus measures
Publication date: January 05, 2022
Last updated: January 05, 2022

According to the latest data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the incidence value on Wednesday (05 January 2022) was 336.3, up from 286.8 the previous day. Sunday and Monday had shown values of around 265. The incidence value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been proven to be newly infected with the Coronavirus in the past seven days. However, the available data are still subject to change.

More reports of current figures again

The RKI also pointed out on Wednesday that a lower level of testing and reporting activity can be assumed over the holidays. The current data thus only offers "an incomplete picture of the epidemiological situation". This same fact was also pointed out by the Berlin Senate in its Covid situation report. However, on Tuesday and Wednesday, significantly more Berlin districts transmitted current infection numbers than on the New Year's weekend and at Christmas.

Over 4000 new infections reported

According to RKI data, 4226 new infections were registered in Berlin between Tuesday and Wednesday. The total number of all detected Covid-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic thus rose to just under 339,207. There were five new deaths related to Covid, meaning that 4025 people have died in Berlin in connection with a Coronavirus infection since the beginning of the pandemic.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 17 February 2025
Last updated: 5 January 2022

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