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Snow and ice: BSR provides winter services despite strike
It snowed overnight in Berlin and large parts of Brandenburg, and the DWD is expecting slippery roads. more
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The state of Berlin is campaigning for an amendment to the Transplantation Act at federal level to enable more organ donations.
The black-red Senate decided on Tuesday to introduce a corresponding bill in the Bundesrat together with other federal states. According to health senator Ina Czyborra (SPD), the draft provides for the introduction of the so-called objection solution for organ donation.
In principle, every person should be considered an organ donor after death - unless they have expressly objected during their lifetime or a close relative does so after their death. Currently, only those who actively agree to donate, for example in an organ donor card, can be considered as organ donors. As a result, there are too few people who donate their organs to others in the event of death.
The states' draft bill is to be discussed in the Bundesrat on 14 June. According to the Düsseldorf state government, in addition to Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate and Schleswig-Holstein are also involved. If the legislative initiative finds a majority in the Bundesrat, the Bundestag will have to deal with it. "With the introduction of the opt-out solution, we can herald a real change in organ donation," explained Senator Czyborra. "And we are encouraging citizens to actively engage with the issue. Far too many people are still waiting in vain for a donation. With this law, we can save lives."