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State minimum wage rises to 13.69 euros in Berlin

Bauarbeiter bei der Arbeit

The state minimum wage in Berlin will rise from 13.00 euros to 13.69 euros gross per hour on May 1.

This was decided by the Senate on Tuesday. The 5.3 percent increase will benefit employees in the state service and in state companies. Private companies that receive public contracts from the state will also have to pay their employees at least this amount. This is because the so-called minimum wage for public contracts will be increased by the same amount. For comparison: the general statutory minimum wage nationwide is 12.41 euros per hour; from January 1, 2025, it will be 12.82 euros.

"Public money for good work only"

"In the state of Berlin, the principle applies that we only spend public money on good work - and this includes the state minimum wage and the minimum wage for public procurement," explained Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) on the Senate's decision. Wherever the Senate has an influence on good wages, Berlin must be a role model and set a good example. Senator Franziska Giffey (SPD) expressed a similar view. "Berlin is an attractive city, but it should also remain affordable for everyone," she explained. "This includes ensuring that good work is fairly remunerated. As a public contracting authority, we are making a concrete contribution to this with today's Senate decision to raise minimum wages."

Clear rules for fair wages

Giffey is also hoping for a positive effect on other areas that are not directly subject to the minimum wage. "No matter which company I visit, I hear everywhere about the shortage of skilled workers. Many companies are already paying over 14 euros an hour to attract employees." It is therefore also in the interest of fair competition and a responsible economy that there are clear rules for fair wages everywhere. State-imposed minimum wages are intended to prevent wage and social dumping and guarantee a living wage. The Berlin state minimum wage was last raised from 12.50 euros to 13.00 euros in July 2022. According to the social welfare administration, the new increase of 5.3 percent is based on the index of Germany-wide wage increases over the last four quarters (excluding special payments). Anyone working 39 hours a week full-time will therefore receive a monthly minimum wage of 2322 euros on May 1 instead of the previous 2205 euros.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 10 April 2024
Last updated: 10 April 2024

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