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Drug checking project: 83 drug samples analyzed

Kostenlose Drogentests in Berlin

The sign of the drug and addiction counseling service Misfit in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

The free drug tests that have recently become available in Berlin have been well accepted and in demand right from the start.

The so-called drug checking project has been running in routine operation since June 6. Since then, 83 drug samples have been handed in for laboratory analysis on the two regular consultation days, the Senate Deprtment for Health announced. Previously, 70 samples had been analyzed during trial operations in April and May.

Free and anonymous drug analysis

According to the report, the party drugs ecstasy, MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and speed (amphetamine-caffeine mixtures) were handed in as samples the most. They were followed by cocaine, the animal narcotic ketamine, crystal meth (methamphetamine) and other chemical party drugs. LSD was handed in twice and heroin once. In three cannabis samples, the suspicion of the addition of synthetic cannabis substances had not been confirmed by the analysis.

Contaminants and excessive dosages detected

Laboratory analyses of some drug samples revealed the addition of unknown substances, impurities with known substances or excessive dosages. Cocaine in particular appears to regularly contain other substances such as caffeine, narcotics, stimulants and chlorine salts. The operators published warnings on the project website about some samples that were contaminated with further dangerous substances or misdeclared, as well as about particularly highly dosed ecstasy tablets.

Submission of samples possible in three places

Consumers can hand in samples of their purchases during "drug checking" consultations on Tuesday afternoons at three locations: the addiction counseling initiatives Fixpunkt and Vista and the gay counseling service Schwulenberatung. Before the drug is handed in, there is a consultation. The result is available after a few days.

Offer for addicts and occasional users

The analysis takes place in a neutral laboratory through the National Institute for Forensic and Social Medicine (GerMed). The offer is aimed at addicted adult who consume drugs daily but also at partygoers who only take drugs on weekends. Herbal drugs such as marijuana and hashish as well as medications, anabolic steroids and sexual enhancers are not tested.

Nationwide expansion of the project under consideration

The Federal Ministry of Health recently emphasized, "We are currently consulting on how the Berlin project can also set a precedent nationwide." But it is important to communicate at the same time: "The best drug use is no drug use at all."

Author: dpa/BerlinOnline/
Publication date: 20 June 2023
Last updated: 20 June 2023

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