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New State Advisory Council for Participation: Call for Candidates

Katarina Niewiedzial

Katarina Niewiedzial, Berlin Senate Commissioner for Integration and Migration.

The Berlin Commissioner for Integration and Migration is calling on people with a migration background to stand for election to the new State Advisory Council for Participation.

The State Advisory Council advises the Senate on all issues relating to the participation and involvement of people with a migration history. It is elected every three years by associations and self-organizations and meets up to four times a year. All Berliners with a migration history can apply for a seat on the advisory board until April 11, 2023.

State Advisory Council as "central building block for the implementation of the Participation Act"

Berlin's Commissioner for Integration and Migration, Katarina Niewiedzial, emphasized the relevance of the committee for the implementation of the Berlin Participation Act: "A modern administration cannot do without the expertise of people with a migration history. I therefore call on motivated and committed people from the migration society to get involved and stand as candidates for the State Advisory Council for Participation."

Author: BerlinOnline/
Publication date: 13 March 2023
Last updated: 13 March 2023

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