© dpa
Emergency aid for homeless: Cold weather buses and shelters
The cold weather aid season in Berlin started in October. There are over 1,000 emergency overnight places in warm conditions available for homeless people. more
© dpa
Within the first week of its launch, nearly 50 applications for assistance from the Energy Debt Hardship Fund have been submitted.
This was announced by the Senate Department for Social Services on Monday at the request of the German Press Agency dpa. Out of the 47 applications, two have been decided on so far - in one case positively, in the other negative. All others are currently being processed, the decision on each of them is to be made in the course of this week. The sums involved range from 150 to 3000 euros. According to the Senate Department, the average requested sum is around 1000 euros. There have been no problems with the digital application process so far. The uploaded documents are easy to use.
Since Monday of last week, Berliners who are unable to pay their electricity or gas bills through no fault of their own against the backdrop of significantly increased energy costs have had the opportunity to apply for financial assistance in the event of acute or imminent electricity or gas blockages. Applications can only be made online via the Berlin service portal, and the money is transferred directly to the respective energy provider. According to the social administration, the group of those eligible to apply has been deliberately made large and also includes households with medium incomes - a total of around 85 percent of Berlin's population. The prerequisite is a blocking notice from the energy provider dating back to 2023.
Applications are processed by the State Office for Health and Social Services (Lageso). Among other things, applicants must submit proof of income for the previous three months and provide information on their annual gross household income. There is no means test. In addition, applicants should then seek advice - for example, on ways to save energy. They would be "emphatically" pointed out to the perception of the energy debt counseling, according to the social administration.