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Lageso completes inspection of bathing waters
With the official end of the bathing season in Berlin on Sunday, the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) will cease its regular monitoring of bathing water quality. more
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A number of Eurowings flights were canceled at BER Airport in Schönefeld on Thursday due to a one-day pilots' strike.
Of a total of 50 planned takeoffs and landings, 38 have been canceled, a Eurowing spokesman said on Thursday. This applies to domestic connections, for example to Düsseldorf, Stuttgart or Cologne/Bonn, but also to flights to destinations such as Palma de Mallorca. In total, up to 5,000 passengers were affected, the airline spokesman said.
BER spokesman Jan-Peter Haack added that the impact of the pilots' strike was manageable. There are currently almost 500 takeoffs and landings a day at BER. The number of flight cancellations is thus quite small in comparison, he said. "Chaos is not breaking out." He added that the affected passengers had been informed beforehand and, as a rule, did not even travel to the airport. Haack nevertheless recommended that passengers with a Thursday departure date should contact the airline to check their flight status, just to be on the safe side.
Nach Eurowings-Angaben haben zahlreiche betroffene Kunden auf eine andere Airline umgebucht, den Flug verschoben oder sind auf die Bahn umgestiegen. Für Freitag sei bei Eurowings wieder mit normalem Flugverkehr zu rechnen. Zu dem Pilotenstreik bei der Lufthansa-Tochter hatte die Gewerkschaft Vereinigung Cockpit aufgerufen, nachdem die Verhandlungen über einen Manteltarifvertrag gescheitert waren. Eurowings bietet durchschnittlich täglich rund 500 Flüge an und befördert dabei 50.000 bis 70.000 Passagiere zu Reisezielen in Deutschland und Europa.