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BER Airport: Verdi trade union calls for all-day warning strike


An employee wears a Verdi vest during a warning strike.

In the collective wage dispute of the airport security industry, the Verdi trade union is calling for an almost nationwide warning strike.

Security workers at a total of eight German airports are to go on strike for the entire day on Tuesday (March 22, 2022), the union announced in Berlin - including the workers at Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (BER).

Last week's warning strikes without result

Last week, the collective bargaining talks, which were also accompanied by warning strikes, failed to produce a result; a new negotiation date has been set for Thursday. Verdi is demanding, among other things, an increase of at least one euro per hour in the hourly wage for aviation security services and regional wage adjustments.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 21 March 2022
Last updated: 21 March 2022

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