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Biesdorf Palace and Palace Gardens

  • Schloss Biesdorf
  • Schloss Biesdorf
  • Schloss Biesdorf
  • Berlin Marzahn

    Schlosspark Biesdorf

Biesdorf Palace and its palace garden are among the most important 19th century architectural monuments in Berlin and a popular excursion destination.

Biesdorf Palace is considered an especially valuable ensemble of 19th century architecture and garden art. The palace garden is one of the most beautiful green spaces in the district and is protected as a historical monument.

Development of the Biesdorf Palace Garden

The creative development of the park began in 1868, when landowner Hans Hermann von Rüxleben commissioned the building of the palace. This included a 10 acre park and an ice cellar. In 1887, Werner Siemens acquired the entire estate and two years later his son Wilhlem von Siemens took over his father's estate. Under his leadership, the palace garden was laid out and extended in the English style by the Berlin city garden director Albert Brodersen in 1891. The carefully maintained garden was characterized by a fine artistic landscaping of the terrain, curved paths, and short lawns surrounded by deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs. Flower decoration mainly consisted of potted plants.

Design of the Palace Garden

Visitors to the park can see an alternation of large, bright meadows and densely planted shrub and tree groves. The park is criss-crossed by picturesque views and lines of sight. It represents the oldest and largest coherent stock of trees in Marzahn.The impressive facilities, such as the fountain pond, the ice cellar with its double open staircase, the tea pavilion, and a lawn tennis court which today serves as a reading garden, were created around the year 1900.

Green Flag Award

In May 2010, the Biesdorf Palace Garden received the Green Flag Award, a prize that is awarded nationwide in Great Britain for parks that present themselves to the public in an open, visitor-friendly, and clean way.

History of the Palace

The tower villa was built by order of the landowner Hans Hermann Freiherr von Rüxleben in 1868. After Wilhelm von Siemens acquired the entire estate in 1887, he had the palace renovated and made numerous structural changes.

Architecture of Biesdorf Palace

The entire complex of Biesdorf Palace is located on the northern side of the Biesdorf village green and occupies a slightly elevated posotion inside the approximately 35 acre landscape park. The palace is a late classicistic plaster building with a T-shaped floor plan, which is based on Italian models.

Exterior Architecture and Interior Design

The upper floor of Biesdorf Palace was destroyed in 1945, later demolished, and initially replaced by a flat roof. In front of the western main entrance there is a covered driveway in the form of a portico. The south and east sides are loosened up by column-decorated loggias and pergolas. On the southeast side there is a high octagonal tower with a belvedere. The asymmetrical layout of the villa with its tower, gabled fronts, pergolas and loggias, as well as its classically strict architectural order and proportion, gave the building a balanced, graceful effect on all sides.

This was also reflected in the spatial planning of the interior. The entrance hall led to a central octagonal room, which was lit over two floors by a skylight in the roof and around which the rooms of the two floors were grouped.

Extensive Renovation of the Palace

After extensive renovation work, Biesdorf Palace was given back its upper floor and thus its historical appearance. The façade and the park were also reworked.


Map view

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City map

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Alt-Biesdorf 55
12683 Berlin
Opening hours
Park: always accessible
Castle: daily from 10 to 18 o'clock, Friday 12 to 21 o'clock, Tuesday closed
Access to Biesdorf Castle is barrier-free. The WC areas are also suitable for wheelchairs.

Public transportation


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Last edited: 5 April 2022