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Schloss und Park Pfaueninsel

Nikolskoer Weg, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf


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  • Address Nikolskoer Weg, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

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Tickets and dates at this venue

Mit Elfe Tana die Pfaueninsel entdecken

Price info: incl. crossing by ferry Price: €8.00 Reduced price: €6.00 Booking: Bookable from April 2023 moreabout: Mit Elfe Tana die Pfaueninsel entdecken

Sunday, 22/September/2024 11:00 (1 more date)
Schloss und Park Pfaueninsel
Nikolskoer Weg, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Can a garden monument be a nature reserve?

Peacock Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a nature reserve of European importance with a variety of species-rich biotopes and an impressive stock of old trees. This requires a special approach to preserving the site. During the tour, the nature... moreabout: Can a garden monument be a nature reserve?

Wednesday, 25/September/2024 15:00
Schloss und Park Pfaueninsel
Nikolskoer Weg, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

A journey through time

The island, whose design as a Gesamtkunstwerk began under Frederick William II before 1800, developed in the course of the 19th century under his son Frederick William III into what was then considered a paradisiacal place. Here, not only European models... moreabout: A journey through time

Sunday, 15/September/2024 14:00
Schloss und Park Pfaueninsel
Nikolskoer Weg, 14109 Berlin-Zehlendorf

Peasant plaisir and gold ruby glass

Inspired by Jean Jacques Rousseau's motto "Back to Nature", the European aristocracy had "ornamental farms" built at the end of the 18th century. The noble court society staged their romantic ideas of "simple country life" in scenic architecture. In Prussia,... moreabout: Peasant plaisir and gold ruby glass

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