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Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin-Mitte


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  • Address Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

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Elephantine. Insel der Jahrtausende

Elephantine: Island of the Millennia

The Nile Island Elephantine can be experienced through the special exhibition on the Museumsinsel, presented in the James-Simon-Galerie and in the Neues Museum. moreabout: Elephantine: Island of the Millennia

Elephantine. Island of the Millennia (Guided tour in Arabic)

Guided tour in Arabic The island of Elephantine was an important trading and border center in southern Egypt, home to a uniquely diverse multilingual, multicultural and multireligious population. The special exhibition is dedicated to various aspects... moreabout: Elephantine. Island of the Millennia (Guided tour in Arabic)

Sunday, 15/September/2024 15:00 (2 more dates)
Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Elephantine Island of the Millennia (Guided Tour in English)

The island of Elephantine was an important trading and border center in southern Egypt, home to a uniquely diverse multilingual, multicultural and multireligious population. This outstanding exhibition is dedicated to various aspects of this complex society... moreabout: Elephantine Island of the Millennia (Guided Tour in English)

Friday, 13/September/2024 13:00 (8 more dates)
Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin-Mitte

Akademievortragsreihe: Das Malergenie Frans Hals

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