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Bomb disposal in Marienfelde: traffic restrictions

Bombe am Ostkreuz (2)

The defusing of a World War II bomb in southern Berlin continues.

Around 6 a.m., the police wrote on Twitter: "Good morning to all those in Marienfelde who are waiting to return to their apartments, houses or places of work. The measures on the world war bomb are still ongoing and will not be completed in the near future."

Night evacuation measures

The evacuation of the houses in the 500-meter diameter exclusion zone in Marienfelde had been completed at around 2 a.m. Preparations for defusing the 100-kilogram World War II bomb followed. "The World War II bomb must be completely exposed and partially cleaned before the high-pressure water jet cutting machine can be used," it said. The operation could continue for several hours, police said. Residents would need patience, it said, "Please be prepared for a long night away from your home and find alternate lodging if necessary."

Unexploded bomb near the S-Bahn

The bomb was found on Thursday afternoon during construction work in the immediate vicinity of the Buckower Chaussee S-Bahn stop. The unexploded bomb is located in the access road to a supermarket parking lot. It was not initially clear how many residents had to be evacuated. The fire department said it was on site with 16 emergency personnel and supported the measures.

Rail traffic interrupted

Because of the defusing, the S-Bahn traffic of the line S2 was restricted. Since about 8 p.m., the section between Schichauweg and Marienfelde is interrupted, as the traffic information center announced. The buses of the lines M11, X83, 277, 710 and 711 are diverted accordingly. An alternative bus service cannot be offered due to the size and location of the closed area, explained Deutsche Bahn

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 12 May 2023
Last updated: 12 May 2023

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