Current language: English

Corona crisis: museums and exhibitions


A woman wearing a face mask drives through the garden along the Alte Nationalgalerie.

As of November 2, 2020, Berlin's museums and exhibition halls must close to the public.

Due to the increasing number of infections with SARS-CoV-2, stricter measures and contact restrictions apply in Berlin in the tenth amendment of the Infection Protection Ordinance. These provide for the closure of all museums, memorials and exhibition houses in public and private sponsorship. These regulations will apply as of November 2 and are limited in time until December 22, 2020.

Keep your distance, wear a mask and and follow the hygiene guidelines

With the aim of inhibiting the spread of the coronavirus, all Berliners and their guests are required to observe the general rules of distance and hygiene. Please observe the minimum distance of 1.5 meters to other people at all times and the obligation to wear a mouth-nose cover on public transport, on busy streets and squares and in retail outlets. An overview of all measures taken by the State of Berlin to combat the coronavirus is available at

Last edited: 30 November 2020