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Weather in Berlin in September

  • Tiergarten

    Walkers rest on a meadow in the September sun in the Tiergarten in Berlin.

  • Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin im Herbst

    In September, a young Spanish travel group performs aerial jumps in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin for a souvenir photo.

  • Herbst in Berlin

    In front of colourful and autumnally discoloured trees, a tourist from China is photographed between the Reichstag and the Chancellery in Berlin in late September.

Autumn is slowly taking its course: the average weather in Berlin in September.

September slowly brings autumn to the capital. Temperatures are dropping and the sun is hiding behind thick clouds again more often. The average maximum temperature is just under 20 degrees. The fact that the sun doesn't shine so intensively and for such a long time is made up for by the first colourful leaves in the many green areas and parks. The sun shines for an average of five hours a day and often gives Berliners and visitors a golden autumn. One can easily forgive the average eight days of rain in September. The end of the summer is one of the best times to travel in Berlin, as the city is not quite as crowded anymore and yet many outdoor activities are possible.

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Last edited: 19 January 2023