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Volvo Tierparklauf

Tierparklauf (3)

A special kind of running event: the route leads past animals such as monkeys and flamingos and Friedrichsfelde Palace.

The Tierparklauf (Tierpark Run) promises a great atmosphere and encourages beginners and families in particular to lace up their running shoes and give their best in the competition.

There are various distances and disciplines to choose from on both days of the weekend. In addition to the 10 km and 5 km courses for adults, children can choose between a 1.2 km and a 700 m course. Those who like to compete with mom or dad, grandma or grandpa can take part in the intergenerational run. The age difference between the two runners must be at least 20 years. On Saturday there is also the trail run over 6 km and on Sunday the walking run over 5 km.

The Tierparklauf is a special run in the German running calendar, which celebrated its premiere in the east of the sports metropolis in 2012.

Highlights of the Tierparklauf

Highlights of the running event include free entry to Tierpark Berlin for runners with their start number and the running festival for the whole family on the event meadow at Tierpark Berlin. After crossing the finish line, each participant receives a finisher's medal.

Course of the Tierparklauf

The entire route of the Volvo Tierparklauf is on the grounds of Tierpark Berlin. Each kilometer of the course is marked by a kilometer sign. A lap covers a distance of 5 km and is run once by the 5 km runners and twice by the 10 km runners.

Running festival

There will be a stage with musical entertainment, a children's play and exercise course, food trucks and a chill-out area on the event grounds.

Children can let off steam on the bouncy castle and the ISTAF macht Schule movement course, have their faces painted or enjoy other attractions. The mascot Berlino will welcome the young running enthusiasts in the Tierpark and complete the warm-up together with them.

At a Glance

Volvo Tierparklauf 2025
28 June 2025
29 June 2025
Start and Finish
Tierpark Berlin, near Friedrichsfelde Palace
Start time
10 km run: 9:30 a.m., 5 km run #1: 11:30 a.m., bambini run: 12:45 p.m., children's run: 1:05 p.m., 5 km run #2 (Sunday only walking) and generation runs: 1:30 p.m., trail run (Saturday only): 2:45 p.m.
Entry fee
Depending on the route and time of registration between €10 and €68

Tierpark Berlin

A map view follows. Skip map

City map

End of map view

Am Tierpark 125
10319 Berlin

Public transportation

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Last edited: 16 January 2025