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Overlooked Christmas trees can be reported online

Collection of discarded Christmas trees

Christmas trees that are put out too late can still be reported after the end of the regular collection period.

Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR) has ended the regular collection of discarded Christmas trees - but trees that have been put out too late or overlooked can still be reported.

The so-called Weihnachtsbaum-Entdecker-Service (Christmas tree discovery service) will be active until the end of February, according to the BSR. Locations can be reported online or by telephone, and the city's waste management service will dispose of the straggler trees during the residual waste rounds.

Do not dispose of Christmas trees in the organic waste garbage can

There are no longer separate collection tours, as was the case with the collection campaign that ended on January 21. In contrast to the regular Christmas tree collection, the latecomers' trees cannot be processed in large composting plants or biomass power plants. Anyone who wants to get rid of their old Christmas tree quickly can take it to one of the 14 BSR recycling centers. However, the wrong place for disused Christmas trees is the organic waste garbage can, as trunks and branches are unsuitable for fermentation in biogas plants.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 23 January 2025
Last updated: 23 January 2025

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