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The Brecht-Haus was Bertolt Brecht's place of residence in Berlin after his exile. Helene Weigel also lived in the house in Chausseestraße in Berlin-Mitte. Visitors can take guided tours of rooms in their original state.

The last residence of Bertolt Brecht and Helene Weigel is located in the side wing of the Brecht Haus at Chausseestraße 125 in Berlin-Mitte.

Brecht's motives for moving into the house

Bertolt Brecht lived in his apartment on the second floor of the side wing and rear building from October 1953 until his death on August 14, 1956. The proximity of the house to the Berliner Ensemble theater company, the academy and the historic cemeteries next door were the main reasons why he moved into this apartment with "decent dimensions", as he wrote to his publisher Peter Suhrkamp. The size of the rooms offered Brecht enough space for many work tables and room for discussions with his students. The apartment also houses his estate library with around 4,000 volumes, which is available to users of the Bertolt Brecht Archive.

Helene Weigel's apartment in the Brecht-Haus

During Brecht's lifetime, Helene Weigel lived in rooms on the second floor of the side wing, which she made available to the Bertolt Brecht Archive, which she founded, after Brecht's death. She had a veranda leading to the garden added and moved into the first floor in 1957. She lived in this apartment until her death on May 6, 1971.

Guided tours of the Brecht-Haus

Brecht's last residence was opened to the public on February 10, 1978, Brecht's 80th birthday. Three rooms in each of the apartments have been preserved in their original state. A visit is only possible with a guided tour.

Other facilities of the Brecht-Haus are the Bertolt Brecht Archive with the Helene Weigel Archive, which also belong to the Archive of the Academy of Arts, and the Literaturforum in the Brecht House.


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Chausseestr. 125
10115 Berlin
Opening Hours
A visit is only possible as part of a guided tour.
+49 (0)30 200 571 844
The museum is not barrier-free.
Admission Fee
€5, reduced €2,50
Guided Tours
Guided tours several times a day from Tuesday to Sunday.

Public transportation

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Source: Archive of the Akademie der Künste | All texts, photographs and graphics on this site are protected by copyright. They may not be copied, reproduced, translated or used in any other way.

Last edited: 31 January 2025