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Weather in Berlin in May

  • 1. Mai 2018

    Numerous visitors celebrate at the Kreuzberg May Festival in Gorlitz Park the Labor Day on 1 May.

  • Bäume in Berlin

    Trees bloom in May in an avenue in front of the Lustgarten.

  • Starkregen in Berlin

    Dark clouds hang over the city on an evening in May as seen from the Oberbaumbrücke aus gesehen über der Stadt.

Lots of sunshine and a good mood: the average weather in Berlin in May.

The weather in May already provides Berlin with an average of seven hours of sunshine a day. And even the 20 degree mark is often broken. The average temperature in May is 18.8 degrees. With the average minimum temperature of 7.7 degrees, the gloves can stay at home. An umbrella is not a bad idea, however, as it rains an average of nine days in May. Life in Berlin is increasingly taking place outside again: Many people are sitting in the parks, the playgrounds are full and the ice-cream parlors are happy to see more customers. May is a good time to visit Berlin: The weather is friendly but the city is not yet so crowded.

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Last edited: 30 June 2020