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Embassy of Sweden

Swedish Embassy

The Swedish Embassy is part of the Nordic Embassy complex in Berlin.

The Swedish Embassy is part of the ensemble of Nordic Embassies in Berlin's diplomatic quarter. The building at Tiergarten is an architectural take on Swedish modernism.

The Kingdom of Sweden's embassy building is part of the jointly constructed ensemble of Nordic countries. The building is located at the north-eastern corner of this complex. The Gothenburg architect Gert Wingardh has designed a compact structure, the longest side of which docks onto the copper band comprising all the Nordic embassies.

Architecture of the Swedish Embassy

Visitors pass through the entrance area, past a curved stone wall that grows into the depth of the building, into the rear area of the embassy. To the south of this limestone wall is a large conference room, suspended as it were above the water basin in the space between it and the Finnish embassy. The full glazing of the first floor zone forms a stark contrast to the other, more introverted embassy buildings.

The four-storey atrium is located at the end of the wall. From here, all floors are accessed via a spiral staircase clad in birch wood. As with all the wall cladding in the building, its wooden elements have been grouted with copper strips. This creates an artificial wall structure consisting of a green grid throughout the building. The two façades facing the square are very different from each other.

Exterior: Traditional ribbon windows on all upper floors

To the south, the limestone curtain wall is broken up in favor of a large glass surface with sun protection in front of it, while to the west, all three upper floors have traditional ribbon windows. Between these windows, however, the façade consists of overlapping slabs of polished black granite in the ceiling area. Both external elevations have the same emphatically horizontal structure, which is clearly reminiscent of the surrounding copper band.

On one of the rare opportunities to visit, visitors can discover a beautiful staircase: in the midst of concrete, stone and glass stands a real work of art in reddish wood.

Visiting the Nordic Embassies

The Swedish Embassy cannot be visited directly, but the Nordic Embassies Community House (Felleshus) is open to visitors daily without prior appointment. Here guests will not only find information material about the Nordic countries, but can also view changing Nordic exhibitions. The inner courtyard of the embassy complex and the architecture of the individual buildings can also be viewed through a glass pane.


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Rauchstraße 1
10787 Berlin
+49 (30) 50 50 60

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Last edited: 20 January 2025