Public and private Playgrounds

Kinderspielplatz Nauener Platz

Public Playgrounds

Children’s public playgrounds are laid out according to the play needs of the various age groups. A distinction is made between the following types of playground:

Playgrounds for young children

These are playgrounds suitable for young children under six years of age. The equipment of these playgrounds is designed exclusively for young children. With a minimum usable play area of about 150 m², they consist mainly of a sandpit, slide and a swing.

General playgrounds

General playgrounds for children and teenagers have a usable play area of at least 2,000 m². They are aimed at the age groups 0–18 and are suitable for children up to the age of 12 and older teenagers. Several different play areas can be integrated into them, including ball game areas, adventure play corners, water play areas and play areas for young children.

Pedagogically supervised playgrounds

Due to their play equipment and other facilities, pedagogically supervised playgrounds are suitable for children and teenagers from 0–18 years and provide a usable play area of preferably 4,000 m². This type of use also includes adventure playgrounds, construction playgrounds and children’s farms. They also have equipment components from young children’s playgrounds and activity spaces. The playgrounds have pedagogical support staff to guide the play during opening hours. These playgrounds are supported by the youth facilities of the district council offices. The care and maintenance of them is partly carried out by the departments for roads and green spaces.

Activity spaces

Activity spaces are devoted exclusively to fitness and (sports) movement and are used by both children and teenagers, as well as adults. Included among these are outdoor gyms, multi-generational activity areas, places with fitness equipment, skate parks and self-contained ball game areas.

Relevant legislation for children’s playgrounds includes in addition to the Act on Public Children’s Playgrounds (Children’s Playground Act), also the Act on the Protection, Maintenance and Development of Public Green and Recreational Areas (Grünanlagengesetz), which among other things, prohibits the taking of dogs into children’s playgrounds.

The care and maintenance of public playgrounds is usually undertaken by the District Departments for Roads and Green Spaces (Straßen- und Grünflächenämter).

Private Playgrounds

Under Section 8, (2) and (3) of the Building Code for Berlin (BauO Bln), where buildings with more than six apartments are constructed, a children’s playground must be provided and maintained (necessary children’s playground) If the construction of a playground on the building site is not possible or only possible with great difficulty, it can be agreed that the developer fulfils their obligation by paying a sum of money to the State of Berlin. Further regulations in this regard can be found in the implementing regulations for Section 8, (2) and (3) of the Building Code for Berlin (BauO Bln) – Necessary Children’s Playgrounds – (Implementation Regulations Necessary Children’s Playgrounds): The contact body for private playgrounds is the Supreme Building Control Authority. You can find contact addresses here: