Current language: English


Panorama von Berlin mit Tiergarten, Reichstag und Fernsehturm


How good is the Berlin air? What are the sources for the current air pollution? What load can be expected in the future? These questions are answered here and the measures for air pollution control are presented. More information

Collage Umweltgerechtigkeit


The global goals for sustainable development are also being implemented in Berlin. In this process environmental protection and social justice are closely linked and, above all, affect the metropolitan areas. The Berlin Environmental Justice Map shows the relationships between the environment, social situation and health across the entire metropolitan area. More information

Zero Waste: Circle of Production, Consumption, Disposal, Recycling

Circular Economy

Information on Berlins waste management strategies, resource efficiency, green public procurement and street cleaning. More information

Environmental Atlas

The approximately eighty topics and hundreds of maps are organized under the topics of soil, water, air, climate, biotopes, land use, traffic, noise, energy, human and environment.