Cemeteries and Other Burial Sites

Waldfriedhof Dahlem

Cemeteries serve as places of burial of the deceased and, for the living, as places of mourning. In addition, they are used as places of silence, recuperation and encounter, which is an important leisure factor, especially in large cities. Moreover, by preserving the art and craft forms of bygone days, they are cultural sites which document the past. But nature, too, has a place here. In this way, cemeteries cover a wide range of necessary components of urban life that needs to be preserved and developed.

The new website www.meinkiez-meinfriedhof.de, launched on June 1, 2021, collects planned activities, news and information about cemeteries. In addition to the “Tag des Friedhofs”, the annual Cemetery Day, it also draws attention to other events and arouses curiosity to discover the cemeteries in the neighbourhood. Various guided tours, concerts, readings and other events are planned for the coming months, as far as pandemic developments allow.

St. Thomas-Friedhof

Graves of the Victims of War and Tyranny

Some 120,000 graves with approx. 150,000 victims exist on approx. 170 burial grounds in Berlin and on Berlin-owned cemeteries in the surrounding areas, which are maintained and cared for under the Graves Law in memory of the dead and commemoration of their suffering. More information

Soviet Memorial in Treptower Park

Soviet Memorials

Immediately after the end of World War II, three large Soviet memorials were built in Berlin to commemorate the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany: in the Großer Tiergarten (Tiergarten Park), in Treptower Park and in the park Schönholzer Heide. More information

Ehrengrabstätten für Helene Weigel-Brecht und Bertolt Brecht auf dem Dorotheenstädtisch-Friedrichswerderschen Friedhof

Graves of Honor

Graves of honor are expressions of honor by the State of Berlin to deceased persons who accomplished outstanding things during their lives, or who made especially great contributions to the city. More information

Wandgrab – Mosaik

Search for an Existing Gravesite

Berlin has a large number of cemeteries. Since there is no central burial file, the search for a certain deceased person's grave can prove difficult and time-consuming. If there is information as to the last domicile of a deceased person, it is advisable to begin searching in the respective borough. More information