Peter-Joseph-Lenne-Prize of Berlin

Park auf dem Nordbahnhof

Park at the North Station

The Peter-Joseph-Lenné-Prize of the State of Berlin is the world’s largest ideas competition for young talents in garden and landscape architecture, open space planning and urban development who are studying or already working in these fields.

The prize contributes to the introduction of fresh, creative ideas for design, planning and the use of plants in landscape architecture and open space planning, and at the same time supports the professional development of young planners and designers.

The competition was first held in 1965 and consists of three tasks at different scales: Berlin (Task A Regional), Germany (Task B National), and the international area (Task C International).

The submission deadline was June 28, 2024. We would like to thank all participants for their great commitment.
The jury will meet on August 22 and 23, 2024 and the winners will be informed immediately in which category they have won. All other participants will only find out which round their work has made it to through the minutes of the jury meeting. The minutes will be published at the award ceremony on 22.11.2024.

The Peter-Joseph-Lenné-Prize celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2024

In the anniversary year 2024, the tasks range from visions for the transformation of a transport axis to the redesign of a landscape disturbed by open-cast mining and the planning of a Mediterranean coastal section.

Task A Regional
A transport axis in transition: Visions for Leipziger Strasse

Task B National
Transformation Lusatia: New landscape Welzow/Město Wjelcej

Task C International
Plataforma Marítima: Green connection between city and sea

The competition documents and videos of the tasks can be found here.

General Information

Peter-Joseph Lenné (born in 1789 in Bonn, died in 1866 in Berlin) was one of the most important 19th century German garden and landscape architects. Even today, his work is visible in many gardens, parks and squares of the cities of Berlin and Potsdam. More information


Results – Peter-Joseph-Lenné-Prize

Co-operation partner and sponsors

Co-operation partner and sponsors of the Peter-Joseph-Lenné-Prize More information