Walk 12 – Havel Lakes Walk (28 km)

Bridge "Spandauer-See-Brücke"

Bridge "Spandauer-See-Brücke"

The Havel Lakes Walk follows the route of the spreading river “Havel” from bridge “Glienicker Brücke” past the lake “Wannsee” landing stages to the jetties along the Aalemannufer in Spandau. The walk crosses two main landscapes: the Teltow plateau’s soft, rolling hills in the south and the surprisingly level plain of the Warsaw-Berlin glacial valley to the north. To ensure you can enjoy the views from the slope side of the Teltow plateau, the forest “Grunewald” stretch does not hug the banks of the river “Havel”, but largely follows the Havel Ridgeway Path.

Island "Pfaueninsel", landing stage

By the time you reach the marshy flood meadows of the Tiefwerder Wiesen, north of lake “Stößensee”, the hills give way to a much flatter landscape. In Spandau, the route crosses the river to follow the western river bank. Here, over the last years especially, new waterside paths have been constructed. As the industry previously on the waterfront has re-located to “interior” sites, many new residential and green areas have also been created, particularly in the locality of Hakenfelde.

Length: 27 km

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