Multi-sector funding for projects of institutions (1-2 years)

Application deadline: 16 July 2024 at 2 p.m. (local time Berlin)

Applications that have not been fully submitted by the stated time cannot be accepted. Only complete applications can be processed. Subsequent submissions after the deadline are not permitted.

Applications which do not comply with all described requirements are excluded from the jury process and formally rejected.

When submitting your application, please make sure that you upload all necessary documents correctly and in a legible manner.

Target Group

The Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion allocates funds to support artistic projects from specific disciplines as well as cross-sector works which will be realised in Berlin.

Eligible to apply are all subordinate institutions, institutions without legal capacity and foundations under public law for which Berlin’s Department for Culture is responsible. Included are also cultural institutions financed by Berlin’s districts; furthermore culture institutions organised under private law that receive institutional funding from the federal government (Bund), the Federal State of Berlin (Land), the Districts or the German Lottery Foundation Berlin (DKLB). To be eligible to apply, cultural institutions organised under private law and receiving a long-term funding must:
  • receive a structural grant and
  • have their own producing house and event venue and
  • have their own curated programme.

Purpose of funding

The goal is to promote arts and cultural projects that correspond to Berlin’s self-image as an open, creative, history-conscious metropolis.
Support is granted to projects of the applicants named above that cannot be or are not adequately be funded by regular funding programmes of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion , e.g. festivals, co-productions, series (a minimum of three different events ist for series mandatory) und individual projects (such as exhibitions, theater productions, as well as digital formats etc.). Projects have to be developed and publicly presented in Berlin.

Eligibility and conditions

  • you are a berlin based institution
  • exhibition fees and minimum fees for artists must be taken into account in the financing plan (please see “Empfehlungen für Honoraruntergrenzen”)
  • funded projects have to be realised and publicly presented in Berlin in the years in which they receive funding.
  • projects which have already started are excluded from application
  • People with disabilities have equal rights and are entitled to full participation in culture especially to reach cultural offers and access cultural activities. If you are planning barrier-free events please indicate your target group and
    which expenses in your financing plan correspond to this

Please note that here is no entitlement to funding

Funding volume

  • there is no minimum or maximum amount of funding
  • applicants who are receiving institutional funding can apply for project-related support for rent and other running costs such as personnel and material expenses only if this is not covered by their existing regular funding.
  • in justified cases, funding may be granted for two years
  • the funding only covers expenses in Berlin or directly connected with the part of the project taking place in Berlin.

Application procedure

Please refer to the current version of the information sheet for more details on submitting an application.

  • Information Sheet Institutions (1-2 years)

    PDF-Document (175.5 kB)

  • Financing Plan (mandatory)

    XLSX-Document (24.8 kB) - As of: October 2023

  • Detailed Project Description

    DOCX-Document (13.7 kB)

  • Confirmation of at least one presentation venue

    DOCX-Document (20.6 kB)

  • Recommendation for minumum wages

    PDF-Document (66.3 kB)

  • Information sheet for accessability

    DOCX-Document (30.5 kB)

Please submit your application and all supporting attachments electronically.

Access the online application