Education package - forms for parents

Formulare mit Handy und Stift

The education package is available so that children and young people from low-income families can take part everywhere. The benefits include the assumption of costs for lunch at school and daycare centres, school supplies and the assumption of costs for travelling to school and leisure activities. Children and young people can take part in sports clubs, music schools or cultural activities and take part in excursions and trips organised by the school or daycare centre. If pupils need support outside of school to achieve their learning goals, they also benefit from the education package.

With your application for benefits to secure your livelihood, you have automatically applied for the following educational package benefits for daycare centres or schools for yourself or your child:

  • free participation in one-day excursions and projects at the day-care centre or school
  • free lunch at daycare centre or school
  • Free participation in trips lasting several days at the daycare centre or school
  • provision of personal school supplies
  • Free school transport
  • assumption of costs for social and cultural participation

Your grant notification will contain a note to this effect. This means that you no longer have to apply for these educational package benefits separately and individually. However, you still have to submit certain documents to your benefits office.

Only the assumption of costs for learning support (tutoring) must be applied for separately. However, this is deemed to have been applied for on presentation of a school certificate.


No application is required to receive the berlinpass-BuT. It is sufficient to present a day-care centre or school certificate or a school ID I or other suitable proof.

Further information can be found in the relevant information sheet:

Recipients of citizen's allowance, social assistance or benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act

  • BuT - Information sheet for recipients of citizen's allowance on education and participation benefits

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (183.1 kB) - Stand: Januar 2023

  • BuT - Information sheet for recipients of social assistance on education and participation benefits

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (93.8 kB) - Stand: Oktober 2023

  • BuT - Information sheet for recipients of benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (100.3 kB) - Stand: Oktober 2023

Recipients of housing benefit or child supplement

  • BuT - Information sheet for recipients of housing benefit or child supplement

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (80.6 kB) - Stand: August 2022

  • BuT - Application for benefits for education and participation for recipients of housing benefit and/or child supplement

    To be submitted to the responsible housing office or citizens’ office. You can find the responsible authority in your district at

    PDF-Dokument (1.2 MB)

Children in daycare centres and childminders

  • BuT - Information for parents of children cared for at day-care centres or by childminders


    PDF-Dokument (578.3 kB)

  • BuT - Інформація для батьків дітей, які ходять до дитсадку або в групи денного догляду за дітьми


    PDF-Dokument (511.1 kB)

  • BuT - Informations pour les parents d'enfants auprès des crèches, des écoles maternelles ou des assistants/es maternels/es


    PDF-Dokument (709.0 kB)

  • BuT - Información para padres de niñas y niños atendidos en guarderías o centros de atención infantil


    PDF-Dokument (578.5 kB)

  • BuT - Informacje dla rodziców dzieci objętych opieką w żłobku lub placówce opieki dziennej


    PDF-Dokument (576.2 kB)

  • BuT - Thông tin cho phụ huynh có con theo học nhà trẻ hoặc cơ sở trông trẻ tư nhân ban ngày


    PDF-Dokument (881.3 kB)

  • BuT - Информация для родителей, дети которых посещают детский сад или группу дневного ухода


    PDF-Dokument (582.3 kB)

  • BuT - Gündüz bakım evi veya bakıcı merkezinde bakılan çocukların ebeveynleri için bilgiler


    PDF-Dokument (571.8 kB)

  • باقة التعليم والمشاركة


    PDF-Dokument (853.4 kB)

  • BuT - بسته آموزش و مشارکت


    PDF-Dokument (1.5 MB)

  • BuT - د زده کړې او ګډون د مالی کمک بسته


    PDF-Dokument (901.7 kB)

  • BuT - proof of assumption of costs for a multi-day trip to a day care centre/child day care

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (266.1 kB)

  • BuT - Proof of subsequent assumption of costs for participation in a multi-day trip to the day care centre/child day care facility

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (44.8 kB)

  • BuT - Proof of one-day excursion in child day care

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (43.4 kB)

School children

  • BuT - Additional form for supplementary learning support

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (1.0 MB) - Stand: 1. Januar 2023

  • BuT - Application for one-day school trips at general education schools

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (401.4 kB)

  • BuT - Proof that the costs of a school trip lasting several days have been covered

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (329.3 kB)

  • BuT - Application for retrospective reimbursement of the costs of a school trip lasting several days

    German only

    PDF-Dokument (422.7 kB) - Stand: November 2018