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BS30: 30 years of

The Beatsteaks are coming home: 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of their foundation and the band invites you to a big birthday party in their home town on two evenings!

Following the release of their latest album "Please", Rolling Stone hailed "Germany's Foo Fighters are back" and the Tagesspiegel stated "It will be difficult to dispute the title of best European rock band this summer". The Beatsteaks and "Please" have been celebrated everywhere in recent months. Even before the start of their tour, which ended a few days ago, the band announced another follow-up for the coming year due to huge demand.

"30 years of Beatsteaks: After around 37,544 concerts and 66 albums, it's time for us to move on. We're celebrating our band's anniversary with two concerts exclusively in Berlin's Max-Schmeling-Halle, both evenings with a completely different programme. Translated into our language, this means that you can look forward to two evenings with two different set lists: Evening No 1 is dedicated to the albums "48/49", "Launched", "Living Targets", "Wohnzimmer EP" and "Smack Smash". Evening No 2 will feature songs from the albums "Limbo Messiah", "Boombox", "Beststeaks", "YOURS" and "Please". For both evenings: Hits, hits, hits - smashers, smashers, pearls, deep cuts - full volume, wonderful guests, no excuses, no holding back and the best audience in the world, namely you!" ... the Beatsteaks are looking forward to the big anniversary gala.

Runtime: Fri, 13/06/2025 to Sat, 14/06/2025


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  • Fri 13/06/2025 19:30 Uhr


  • Sat 14/06/2025 19:30 Uhr


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