Terminal 5 (Airport Berlin Schönefeld SXF) - Departures

Berlin Schönefeld Airport SXF

The latest status information for flights departing from BER Terminal 5 (former Schönefeld Airport SXF) including destination, expected time, and gate.

Planning to start your journey from Terminal 5 at Airport Berlin Brandenburg BER and want to check whether your flight is on time or delayed? Here you get live flight updates for departures at Terminal 5.

Departures: Live flight information for departures at BER Terminal 5

All flight data are live updates from BER Terminal 5 and are provided by the Verkehrsinformationszentrale Berlin (VIZ) in cooperation with Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH.

Arriving at Terminal 5

Please make sure you arrive in time at Terminal 5. You are advised to arrive at least 90 minutes before your scheduled short-haul flight, and at least 120 minutes before your long-haul flight.

Travel Information BER Terminal 5

Please find all information on public transport from and to BER Terminal 5, parking and car rental in the article below.

Terminal 5

BER Terminal 5

Terminal 5 is the former Schönefeld Airport: Information about the airport with traffic connections, up-to-the-minute arrival and departure information, parking spaces, airport buses, S-Bahn and cab fares  more

Berlin Panorama (1)

Travel Information

Information for Berlin visitors and tourists including travel essentials about Berlin such as airports, train stations, public transport, taxi and  more

Source: Berlin.de/VIZ

Last edited: 1 November 2020