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Airport Berlin Brandenburg BER - Departures

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt

The service for travelers at the airport Berlin Brandenburg "Willy Brandt" with the current flight data of the outgoing flights today.

The Berlin Brandenburg BER Airport (departure) flight board contains the following flight information: Flight number, departure airport, destination airport, departure gate and the current flight status. In addition, it provides information on whether the flight will take off on time or whether there will be a delay.

Departures from BER Airport

Data for departures is currently not available, please check the BER website for information on arrivals and departures.

Check-in at BER Airport

At check-in, luggage is handed over and identity cards or passports are checked. At the counter at the airport designated for the respective flight, the airline tickets are also checked. Passengers on domestic flights should check in at least 90 minutes before departure. For international flights, it is generally recommended to arrive at the respective check-in counter 2 hours before departure.

Boarding: Aircraft Is Ready for Entry

The flight status "Boarding" means that the time window in which travelers can enter the aircraft hast started. Boarding for all flights usually begins at least 45 minutes before the scheduled departure time. The gates close 15 to 20 minutes before departure at the latest. Passengers who do not arrive at the gate at Berlin Airport by the specified check-in time will not be carried.

Prior to Departure: Allow for a Time Buffer

Many travelers find the time before departure particularly stressful, so it is recommended to be as organized as possible on the day of departure. In any case, plan enough time to get from your home or hotel in Berlin to BER Airport - whether you're going there by car, cab or public transport. Before you leave, make sure that the departure times of your flight have not changed at short notice.

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Last edited: 24 February 2022